Line Drawing Glider Tow Plane



Past now it should be obvious that the responsibility of serving in the capacity of basis crew or wing runner is much more circuitous than only running aslope the departing glider'southward wing. The procedure of launching a glider is one of the most safety-disquisitional aspects of the entire wing running functioning and of the entire glider flight. Consequently, the wing runner must be familiar with all aspects of the launch sequence.

One time the towline has been checked for proper attachment to the glider and the wing runner has moved to a position at the wingtip of the glider, the pilot of the tow aircraft can begin to remove the slack from the towline once the proper bespeak has been given. The following sections depict the procedures to be used to safely remove slack from the towline in preparation for a glider launch.


The fly runner must recognize the hazard that exists once the towline is continued to the glider. If the pilot of the tow shipping initiates the takeoff before the area effectually the glider is cleared of all ground crewmembers and spectators, serious injury tin occur. To prevent this blazon of occurrence, ensure that no one is allowed to walk or stand between a taxying tow aircraft and the glider.

The well-nigh effective way to prevent this from hazarding the fly runner is to motility out across the wingtip of the glider immediately afterward the towline is connected. By doing then, the wing runner volition not be struck in the issue of the glider being inadvertently moved forrad. The wing runner should e'er consider the region in front of glider that has been continued to a towline, whether the launch is beingness made by ground or aero tow, to be a danger zone.


Information technology is also important to realize that the tow pilot and the pilot of the glider have very express rearward visibility and restricted frontwards visibility from the cockpit. They rely heavily on the fly runner to monitor the operation for potential hazards during the launch of the glider.

Sequence of Events

The sequence of events in this segment are:

  • The fly runner clears the area around the glider of people and movable obstructions.
  • The fly runner checks the glider canopy for security and that all external devices such as wing and tail dollies are removed. The wing runner should also confirm that the glider'south spoilers / divebrakes are closed.
  • The fly runner checks the traffic pattern for conflicting traffic and ensures that the area ahead and to the sides is articulate of obstructions. These include parked gliders, vehicles, spectators, and anything else that could institute a collision hazard if the tow were to be aborted. [See the Note immediately beneath.]
  • The wing runner should announce that the "pattern is clear" or point our conflicting traffic.
  • Once the glider pilot has signaled appropriately, the wing runner gives the betoken to the tow pilot to remove slack
  • If necessary, the wing runner signals "hold" to point to the tow pilot to hold position.

Notation: It must be kept in mind that in the consequence of a tow abort when the glider has non nonetheless achieved full lateral or directional command, a dropped wing or uncommanded change in direction could result in the glider performing a "ground loop" – the out-of-control glider following a circular path (which could exist several hundred feet in diameter, depending on the glider speed) off to ane side or the other. The safety grade is to ensure that there is an area clear of all obstructions alee and to the side of the glider almost to be towed. The size of this expanse depends on the circumstances, including the type of glider beingness towed, and the strength and management of the current of air. If in uncertainty, the fly runner should seek the advice of the glider pilot – he/she has the final determination.

 Clear Area of People

One time the glider is continued to the tow aircraft, no persons other than the wing runner should exist allowed near the glider, especially non within the DANGER ZONE. This is particularly truthful for personnel unfamiliar with the launch operations (i.e. friends or spectators taking photographs, etc.), every bit they may get distracted and not recognize the potential hazard.

Check Glider Configuration

Before proceeding with the launch operation, the wing runner should conduct a cursory visual check of the glider to ensure that the canopy is secure, all external devices such as wing and tail dollies are removed, and the spoilers / divebrakes are deeply stowed. Note: In some high performance sailplanes the takeoff is initiated with the spoilers extended for increased controllability. This procedure should be discussed with the pilot of the glider prior to takeoff if the wing runner and tow airplane pilot are unfamiliar with the procedure. Any discrepancy noted should be immediately communicated to the airplane pilot of the glider.

Bank check Traffic Pattern

Prior to giving the bespeak to Take Up Slack, the wing runner should visually scan the traffic design to ensure that the glider launch will not conflict with other shipping on the runway or established in the pattern. The scan should include the traffic pattern to all existing runways at the facility being used as airborne traffic might not always employ recommended traffic design procedures.

If an aircraft is observed in the traffic design and the glider is set up to launch, a conclusion must be fabricated as whether the launch can be connected without causing a disharmonize with the landing aircraft. Nether normal circumstances, information technology is usually better to discontinue the launch and clear the shipping from the runway. If the launch was to continue and a subsequent emergency causes the takeoff to be aborted, the pilot of the glider might have to make a landing in conflict with the other traffic. The preferable approach is to avoid the situation of conflicting traffic by maintaining a high level of sensation of potential conflicting traffic when conducting launch operations.

When it has been determined that the glider is fix to launch and the traffic blueprint is clear, the wing runner should make visual contact with the airplane pilot of the glider and announce, "Design Clear." When the pilot of the glider is ready for the slack to be removed from the towline, a "Thumbs-up" betoken is given by the pilot to indicate "Pilot Set up-Level Wings." The wing runner should and so level the wings of the glider. Fifty-fifty if the "Thumbs-upwards" signal has been given, the wings should not be leveled unless it is clear that at that place is no potential conflicting traffic. Note: This may involve a judgment call – if it is likely to exist quicker to launch the glider than go it and the towplane clear of the runway, launching the glider could be the ameliorate form if at that place is insufficient time to otherwise get the runway articulate before another glider needs to country on the runway.

thumbs up

Launch Signals

After receiving a "Thumbs-up" betoken from the pilot of the glider indicating "Pilot Set up-Level Wings," the wing runner should level the wings of the glider to the takeoff position. The wings of the glider should never be raised before the "Pilot Fix-Level Wings" signal is received from the pilot of the glider, and only and so when the fly runner has checked that it is safety for the launch to continue.

Two hand signals are used during normal operations to communicate with the pilot of the tow aircraft. These signals are very important, as the tow pilot may accept limited visibility of the surface area straight behind the tow shipping. In this example, the tow airplane pilot will rely on the fly runner to help in the positioning of the tow aircraft to remove slack from the towline. The wing runner should always requite the signals promptly and correctly to prevent the glider being lurched forward as the towline becomes taut.

Take Upwardly Slack

The "Take Upwards Slack" bespeak is given to instruct the tow pilot to begin a tedious taxi forrard to remove slack from the towline. The fly runner signals the tow pilot to begin removing slack from the towline by moving one arm from side to side through an arc beneath the shoulder. Note: Throughout the procedure, the wing runner should exist monitoring the rope for proper takeout of the slack, the glider for further signals, and the pattern for conflicting traffic – watching the towplane provides no useful information!

take up slack



If necessary, the fly runner should signal the tow pilot to "Hold" position by lowering the fly of the glider and holding both arms outstretched to the side. The wing runner may initiate the agree signal when necessary without request from the pilot of the glider.

take up slack

Annotation: At some soaring operations, the wingtip of the glider remains on the ground until the slack has been removed from the towline. Once the slack has been removed, the wing of the glider is raised and the "Brainstorm Takeoff" indicate is given. A complete briefing at the local soaring functioning is vital to ensure safe launch operations.

A number of hand and aircraft signals are used to communicate various conditions and intentions between the fly runner, glider pilot, and tow pilot.

The sequence and significance of these signals can vary between dissimilar glider operations, so you should receive a thorough briefing at any new operation before performing the fly running function in that location. Be peculiarly observant of the transfer of launch command between the fly runner and glider airplane pilot. In some operations, in one case the glider pilot gives the "thumbs upwardly" bespeak, the fly runner controls the rest of the launch. At other operations, the glider pilot retains control of the launch procedure and the wing runner is but there to hold the wing and signal the glider pilot's intentions to the tow pilot.

[Optional] Towplane Gear up

The tow pilot will ensure that the traffic pattern is clear of aircraft. Once assured that the glider is ready and the divergence path is clear, the "Towplane Ready" indicate may be given with a waggle of the tow plane rudder.

towplane ready

Begin takeoff

When the glider pilot is ready for the takeoff coil, the glider pilot waggles the rudder and the wing runner (having made a final cheque to ensure that the pattern remains articulate) signals with a circular move of the arm.

begin takeoff

It is imperative not to give the "Brainstorm Takeoff" signal unless the glider pilot is ready. Always wait for the glider pilot to give the rudder waggle earlier giving the "Begin Takeoff" arm motion.

begin takeoff

Notation: Throughout the process, the wing runner has the continuing responsibleness of ensuring that in that location is no conflicting traffic. Neither the tow airplane pilot nor the glider airplane pilot has a clear view of the pattern – they depend on the wing runner'due south assistance to practise this. If a potential conflict is identified, the launch should be stopped and, if appropriate, the glider and tow plane moved clear of the launch expanse. Sometimes this calls for exercise of judgment – in some circumstances information technology may be safer for the tow to proceed and clear the area. An example of this might be where at that place is merely 1 landing surface area, blocked by the glider and towplane waiting to launch, with a glider in the latter stages of its approach, leaving insufficient time to button the glider and motion the towplane off the track. If in doubt, don't launch, inform the glider pilot – he/she has the concluding decision.

Running the Wing

When the ground roll begins, the wing runner should run alongside the glider and keep the wings level (i.e. parallel with the ground) until the glider pilot gains control say-so. It is important when running the wing to hold it lightly to allow the glider pilot to have full control authority every bit soon as possible. Intendance should be taken non to push or pull on the wingtip, as this may accept a negative issue on the airplane pilot'due south directional control of the glider.

Release the fly every bit presently as the glider is capable of maintaining wings level. In a strong headwind, this may occur in a few short steps. The contrary is true when launching with a tailwind. The wing runner must be prepared to run fast for a longer distance. The aforementioned will be truthful when the glider is operating at an increased weight due to the addition of water ballast in its wings. In this instance, the pilot will non take sufficient aileron command to maintain a wings level attitude until the glider achieves a slightly higher speed.

Often the glider pilot volition inadvertently hold some non-neutral aileron position during the initial footing roll. If the wing runner continues to concur the wing level confronting the resulting wingtip pressure, the glider will tend to drib a fly as soon as it is released. Instead, yield to the wingtip pressure level and permit the wing to rise or autumn slightly in accord with the pressure. The glider pilot will then instinctively remove the inadvertent aileron control input.

When launching in a crosswind, it is important to go on the wing level or slightly down on the into-current of air side. If the wing is permitted to rise, it may be impossible for the glider pilot to restore a wing-level condition and the launch must be aborted.

The fly runner should be enlightened of the difference in glider behavior when using nose and CG tow hitches. Olfactory organ-mounted tow hitches permit some restoring force if the glider begins to indicate abroad from the tow plane merely this force is negligible when using CG-mounted tow hitches. The fly runner must be specially diligent when launching a glider with a CG tow hitch in a crosswind. For the commencement several anxiety of the ground roll, the glider pilot has minimal directional command potency and any swing of the glider will crave an firsthand launch abort past the airplane pilot.

Watch this short pic on wingrunning. MPG 8 MB

Emergency Signals

The following signals should be used when a hazardous condition is recognized.

Stop Engine/Release Towline

This signal is given to the glider pilot to command a release of the towline prior to launch. For the tow pilot, the bespeak is used to initiate a release of the towline and/or to control the tow pilot to stop the engine of the tow plane. This betoken is given by moving a hand back and along beyond the pharynx.

stop & release

Stop Operation or Emergency

The signal to stop performance is made by waving the arms back and forth higher up the caput in a swift style. The airplane pilot of the glider may stop the launch operation at any fourth dimension by releasing the towline. Before giving the point, it is necessary to supercede the glider'south fly on the basis. This should straight the tow pilot'southward attention to the bespeak being given by the wing runner.


This point is distinct from the "concord" indicate that is associated with normal operations. If the "stop operation" or "emergency" point is given, the wing runner should conceptualize rapid action by the tow plane including the tow pilot releasing the towline and taxiing clear of the active runway.

Clearing the Launch Surface area

Afterward the glider has been launched, the wing runner should survey the area for tail dollies, ballast, tow ring adapters, rope hooks or any other equipment that may pose a hazard for subsequent launches. These items should be removed from the launch area. Exist specially aware of landing aircraft when clearing the launch expanse and returning equipment to the operations base.


  • Exist aware of the hazards that exist when the glider is connected to the towline and remain clear of the DANGER ZONE in front of the glider'southward wing.
  • Perform a last visual bank check of the glider awning, spoilers / divebrakes, and external attachments. Do not allow the launch to continue if any discrepancies are noted.
  • Visually bank check the area ahead for obstructions and the traffic pattern to all runways for conflicting traffic and be prepared to discontinue the launch if required.
  • Give the "Take Up Slack" and, if necessary the "Concur" signals to command the tow plane prior to takeoff.
  • Always give the advisable signals in an authentic and timely manner.
  • Maintain loftier situational awareness and communicate any significant information to the airplane pilot of the glider.
  • Be prepared to abort the launch at whatsoever time if it is determined that continuing it would pose a adventure.
  • Give the appropriate signals to the glider airplane pilot and tow pilot. Recollect that the airplane pilot of the glider is the last authority in decision-making the launch performance.
  • When running the fly, hold information technology lightly to allow the glider pilot to feel the forces acting upon the glider.
  • Be particularly sensitive to a rising or falling wing due to inadvertent command deflections by the glider pilot.
  • When launching a glider in a crosswind, agree the upwind wing level or slightly low. Be particularly vigilant when launching CG-claw equipped gliders in a crosswind.
  • Clear the launch area of any items left backside.
  • Empathise the difference between the "emergency" or "finish operation" signal and the "concur" betoken.

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